The best platform for recruiter commissions.
Start working independently and earn up to $20,000

Browse through jobs, refer candidates, and earn commissions.
You can request exclusive access to positions for a limited time.
What’s the story behind splitle?
Recruiters work hard to close positions. benefiting both candidates with good salaries and clients with qualified professionals. But often recruiters get paid too little.
Splitle is created by recruiters, for recruiters so you can say goodbye to insufficient commissions that don’t match your hard work. Splitle offers upto 65% commissions for every successful hire you make.
Splitle is tried and tested, with proven results

Time Saved by 80%
No more time wasted on admin work. Get direct access to job boards and your own dashboards.

Growth Increased by 30%
No limits on the number of jobs or candidates you can work on. You can grow at your own pace.

Earning Potential upto 50%
With Splitle as an additional source of income you can earn upto 50% more than your current income.
More on Splitle

Easy Tracking
Keep track of your candidates and every step of their application process.

Refer & Earn
Refer recruiters to join our platform and earn on their first candidate placement.

Knowledge Base
If you have any questions, our experts have curated a knowledge base with everything you need to know.
We’re excited to you use Splitle & earn!
Get the commission you deserve for your hard work. Join Splitle now and start earning for referring candidates to jobs!
Splitle is The Easiest and Most Transparent Platform for Recruiters
We have made sure that Splitle is the easiest and most transparent platform for recruiters to use and earn. Nothing is hidden, see what commission is offered on which job.